How often should you have your hair cut?

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The Chapel Hairdressing, (London, Sevenoaks, Tunbridge Wells, Marlow, Horsham, Verbier)

How often should you get your hair cut?

When comparing hair types, the differences can be so varied that it can feel like comparing chalk and cheese. Because of the varying types of hair, and different style preferences that women opt for, there is no conclusive answer for how often a woman should visit a hair salon to get their hair cut.

Some women choose to have a cut when their hair becomes damaged, and others have a blanket rule of visiting their hairdressers for a cut exactly every six weeks.

While there is no perfect date for anyone, below are some recommendations of how often you should visit your hairdressers for a trim, depending on the type of hair that you have.

If you have tight curls

The general rule of thumb for tight curly hair or ringlets is to have a cut every three months. For women with curly hair who are aspiring to grow their locks long, only a quarter inch or less needs to be removed each visit just to get rid of any damaged ends.

If you have healthy hair

Some people have ‘virgin hair’, which means they have no colour on their hair. ‘Virgin’ hair is often quite healthy, coloured hair if cared for properly and not over-processed can also be healthy, if the hair is healthy it should only be necessary to receive a trim every 12 weeks unless they style their hair frequently with straighteners or tongs which means they could have heat damage which would mean they would benefit from a trim slightly sooner. 

If you have wavy hair

Many people with wavy hair need to go the extra mile to keep it healthy as it is one of the types of hair that requires heat styling the most frequently. Women with wavy hair generally need to keep it nourished and hydrated, and generally need a cut every eight weeks or so.

If you have layers

Layers should be maintained regularly to ensure they always have a nice shape. For those who have their face framed with layers, they may need to look at getting a haircut every six to eight weeks as the hair tends to be finer around the face so are prone to getting more split ends due to more frequent heat styling.

For those with lobs or bobs

Bobs and lobs can look stunning: they frame the face and can exude a look of elegance. To keep the look sharp, bobs and lobs generally need to be cut approximately every six weeks.

Fine and straight hair

Fine hair is one of the most susceptible to damage. Women with fine hair often experience split ends or maybe even breakage due to excessive heat styling to avoid the ‘limp’ look. To keep it fresh and bouncy, a woman with fine hair should look at visiting a salon every six weeks.

If your hair is short

Whether it's a pixie style, or an undercut, short hairstyles need to be maintained. A monthly appointment is recommended for women with short hair to maintain that fresh, sharp look.

For those with bangs or fringes

Bangs and fringes can make all the difference to a person's face shape. Whether they are swept to the side, textured or bluntly cut, they can really make someone’s eyes stand out or their cheekbones appear defined. It is when they aren’t maintained that they lose their full effect, so they typically need maintenance every three to four weeks.

The friendly hairstylists at The Chapel are experts in analysing what type of hair requires what type of maintenance. With hair salons in London, Kent, Sussex and Buckinghamshire the skilled professionals have built their life passion around creating and matching the perfect hairstyle to complement any woman’s features.

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